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The Dragonflies Program


To provide a program that supports the healing process of each person's journey. Respect for the process, and the individual, is the foundational principle. Guided by love, with gentleness as our watchword, the focus is to provide a flexible structure that nurtures as one moves forward; always recognizing healing is an inward journey.

Program Contents

The Dragonflies Program
  • A 'welcome' coaching call to discuss the program

  • Three (3) one-hour coaching calls strategically spaced in the program to maximize your healing journey​​


  • Dragonflies eBook and eWorkbook that can be printed or used online


  • ​Step-by-step instructions and recommendations on how to effectively use the program and maximize the flexibility of personalization

This program is for you if...

  • You are experiencing grief/loss


  • You want a path that supports healing from your grief/loss


  • ​You want to understand that grief is what you are is not what you are


  • You want a simple program that requires a small time commitment yet produces powerful changes


  • You want to receive tools and techniques that support you as you move through the grief process and heal


  • ​You want a program that is flexible and allows you to determine the pace you deem appropriate for you​

As you move through the program you will...

  • Understand how the tools and techniques expand beyond healing from grief/loss​​

  • ​Teach your brain how to focus on what is important to you

  • Intuitively understand the impact of grief as a stressor and how to increase your  vibration thereby reducing the stress and contributing to your healing.

  • Increase your awareness of your thoughts and feelings and how to move through the grief without resistance

  • ​Develop a daily routine that provides a foundation for continued healing,expansion, and growth​


  • ​​Reconnect with yourself and appreciate the beautiful being that you are

  • Reconnect with the Divine within you…reconnect with the Source

  • Understand that healing comes from within…you can heal

  • Reconnect with the power and strength within you​

"In the final analysis, the questions of why bad things happen to good people transmutes itself into some very different questions, no longer asking why something happened, but asking how we will respond, what we intend to do now that it happened.”  

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

French Philosopher and Jesuit Priest
(1881- 1955) ​

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